Recently I’ve been have been noticing one thing on my way to the Hospital, one particular flex board is peeking everywhere in the area. There must be a 100 of them in all different sizes and shapes all over the place. There is one guy in the picture (a young fellow)-poster boy, along with him some local MLA (member of legislative assembly) & few others. It looks like this young guy is relative to this MLA (my view only) and this guys is being promoted to the market (as a next MLA/MP candidate, in a family of MLA’s). If this guy wants so much publicity, why don’t do something useful to the public so that both will benefit. There is a strict rule by the Municipality that no such posters (illegal) must be exhibited, but to the Mr. MLA’s case its different rules! Funny thing is, this poster boy has not won any world cup or national awards, he has been elected as a deputy to somebody in a minority forum in the local tiny area, what a joke!
I have nothing against the person, but I do have concern about the environment. What in the world he was thinking while putting those 100’s of posters, the budding leader doesn’t get the first joke correctly, what kind of work he is going to do next…I wonder!
We need leaders, we need someone who is really concerned for an issue which is bigger than themselves (his immediate benefits I meant), we need selfless, generous leaders, we need those who care for the Environment, not some hoopla showman who is cooking up stories for his own benefits. You got everything to LEAD and also raise voice against the fake stories. All that need is a push… if you haven’t got one yourself.. consider this is your push!
Leading (right) is good, go!
12.51, 30.01.2021
Step 57
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