One good run before the sunset


When I play foot ball (tiniest type of it) with my elder son, I really enjoy as much as he do. Its an amazing feeling.. he makes all sort of funny gestures and styles, kicks the ball with so much zeal! It makes me wonder why can I not get this sort of energy at my work?! Okay, When it comes to my turn to kick it back, I do it submissively. I cant argue with him or win goal, well, I don’t want to. My point is to have him engagde in this moment and keep playing… This is called as infinite games (a Simon Sinek book, worth reading).

            We play some games, events or things just for the sake of playing, not for winning just for the sheer pleasure of it. Finite games are played for the sake of winning or coming first or for the Gold. Once you achieve it..that is the end of it. You can be nostalgic about it (other than that nothing much can you do). I call our life as an infinite game.. you play, enjoy every step of it and keep playing. Don’t worry about winning or loosing. When we take of Playing (correctly), winning takes care of itself. You don’t need and extra step for the winning part. Back to my son’s case,  I get to win & enjoy the father and son time, my son get to win the scoring part (that makes him & me both smile and laugh).

           Okay, here is what im trying to say, Diabetes care is an infinite game too. No one really enjoys taking pills, doing diet, running around the block or visiting the doctor. Well, when you have the condition you have got to play! You will to get used to it eventually. Every 3 months once you get to notice your Score (HbA1c%-test is there to detect the prior 3 months average blood glucose control levels). A value less than 7 to 7.5% is a great score! And you get 3 more months to play again. Yo keep playing and you keep winning that’s what is called as a healthy Diabetes life!

    Goal is not to Score high in one match… the goal is to have a good run.. (before the sunset)!

13.05, 25.12.2020

Step 21


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