When I was a kid back in 1990’s, we had to put the Cassettes to the boxy VCR’s. You rent a video cassette and watch it then return it. It was all magical, I watched a few movies, then came the VCD&DVD’s… technology is ever progressing now the era of online streaming. Now i can stream anything under the sun… and most of them are free!
Take a look around the world, everything is streaming, a blooming flower, a smiling kid around at the gate, the rising sun, twinkling stars, rushing traffic… Everything is just streaming. Not one event will repeat itself (of course there will be similar events but the same). How fascinating! Take a look at your whats app status recent updates/Facebook wall for example… you cannot simply stop viewing them, there will be another soon after the last update.
So what now? Our biochemical variations are inevitable and continuously streaming. If you have Diabetes you will know how your sugars levels streams in the blood, you cannot keep it stable with one magic medicine or method. Real question is how will you adjust your behaviour so that the streaming happens real smoothly and harmlessly. Just like how you can choose NOT TO keep up with all the updates from the Facebook/Whats app & waste your precious time… you can choose to eat mindfully and stretching your muscles a bit…
Streaming is free, choice is NOT (it can become very costly if you choose the useless things).
13.05. 21.12.2020
Step 17
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