Primitive reflexes


When a child is born, in the very instance, it knows how to spot the mom’s breasts & to suck the milk. When there is a sudden change in sound or posture, it opens the arms with startle reflex. These are called primitive reflexes, how amazing the mother nature has pre-loaded these programmes into us! they are required for the very survival….. Thanks to our dear mom and mother nature for that.

 As the child grows older and older, he/she chooses to eat sugary rich, fat rich salty foods (in short Calorie rich junk food) over fruits and vegetables. This is not a primitive reflex but an evolutionary thing which is also wired in to us, let me explain….in olden days our ancestors used to run around half naked in the jungles, hunting animals and gathering nuts-tubers for survival. Food was not like today, it was a rarity, so whenever food was available he used to hop on to it like a vulture, and save the extra calories for the next day or next week use (he didn’t know when will have a next meal). High calorie fat, protein starch rich food was the necessity then!

The same evolutionary thing till date remained in our DNA & that’s why we are hard wired to eat junk food (and ending up with diabetes, obesity…you know the whole story). We can ditch that habit if we choose to… I’m not saying its going to be easy, but I’m saying its possible. Its also possible to reach a world free of preventable Diabetes.

Primitive reflexes are life savers, unwanted hard wired stuff can be the opposite.

13.55, 07.01.2021

Step 34


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